Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bayh - Presidential Caucuses

Evan Bayh, the Senator from Indiana, has apparently just pulled out from the presidential race. It's a shame too, he was my preliminary choice for POTUS.

This is as good a reason as any to remind chapters:
a) They should not endorse any candidate until he/she wins the Democratic primary.
b) Chapters should form candidate groups within their own groups. Groups like Clark University Students for Kendra Salvador or College of the Holy Cross students for Tom Vilsack should meet directly after a chapter meetings. This keeps people coming to meetings and informed about all of the candidates. I know from personal experience in 2004, that there can be some discontent among people who think their chapter is biased for one candidate or another.
This is a good way to keep people happy.
David Glick
Clark University '07
Central MA Liason

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Fantasy Congress is here

If you're anything like me, you have played Fantasy Baseball, Football and Basketball. It's a great way for you to get bragging rights from your friends and have a lot of fun. I am also a huge polito junkie. So when I read an article in the NYTimes about a website that compiles statistics concerning members of Congress I was ecstatic. (check out that article at my own blog) Now, I have setup a league for all Massachusetts College Democrats.

Go explore Fantasy; College Democrats from across the nation can compete against each other.

Want to join our league?
It is easy.
1. Register with Fantasy
2. Join the Massachusetts College Democrats League
- You can join the league by clicking here
- Or by searching for the Massachuetts College Democrats League
3. Draft your team immediately. You can always change how is on your starting lineup.
4. The league will become activated this January when the new congress comes into session.

Feel free to sign up as many people that can fit under the 100 person cap.

David Glick
Clark University '07
Central Ma Liason, MA College Dem's

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

CDA Leadership Summit!! Be there and keep it affordable!

Hey All,
I have been assigned the responsibility of finding an inexpensive way so that everyone can attend the leadership summit in Washington D.C. this February. So far it looks like if we car pool, plus registration, and hotel it is 140 plus food. This is very affordable! If you respond Melissa at she will forward me your names and you can join our room block. This block will be at the Days Inn in Washington D.C. at 4400 Connecticut Ave. Check it out! It has 5 sun bursts and the chairmans highest rating for five years! Look forward to seeing all of your names on the list. This will be an amazing conference! Talk to all of you soon!

Yours Bluely,

-Kyle Schulberg
Legislative Director
South Shore Liaison

Website Suggestions


A lot of great ideas cam out of the convention about how to improve the website, and we're taking all of those seriously. They included:

adding RSS feeds from chapter blogs to the state blog
adding D.C. housing resources
creating an internship review forum
adding a chapter toolbox section with sample press releases, flyers, and basic information

These suggestioons are all in the works, and will be up and running soon. In the meantime, if you have more ideas, please feel free to reply to this post-we'll certainly try to add any new ideas!

Yours Bluely,
Lissa :)

Monday, December 4, 2006

How to post, and BU Fundraiser!

Hey Everybody,

If you would like to be able to post on the blog, I have to make you an author. I've already done this for most of the E-Board, but if I missed you, or you're not an E-Board member and would like to be able to post, please send me an email at with your name, school, and email address.

Business aside, The BU College Dems are having a fundraiser at Uno's on Wednesday from 11 Am til 10 PM. 15% of anything you order goes to the Dems, HOWEVER, you must print out the flyer included in the calendar event on our website for it to count!! This sounds like a lot of fun for all of you Boston area schools, and I know I'm going to try to make it out there on Wednesday! Hope to see a lot of you there!

Yours Bluely,
Lissa Roberts

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Leadership Summit an Incredible Success!!

Well boys and girls,

I just wanted to be the first to say how much I enjoyed seeing/meeting/speaking with all of you today at the Summit! I know I speak for the entire E-Board when I say that this meeting far exceeded our expectations. I know it's difficult to give up a Saturday, so a HUGE thanks goes out to all of you who made the trip to BC and engaged in the most productive general assembly that CDM has ever had. A post-summit resource package, as well as info about the monthly general membership conference call and the other issues we discussed over the course of the day will be posted on the CDM website within a week.

On a lighter note, the inimitable David Glick, our Central Mass Liason, has created a CDM Fantasy Congress League. To sign up, go to and join the Massachusetts College Democrats league. I don't know about all of you, but I think my draft picks are pretty stellar (My Upper Senators can beat up your Upper Senators)... Let the smack talk begin :)

Yours Bluely,

Lissa Roberts
Comm Director

Friday, December 1, 2006

Leadership Summit

Hey Dems,

I am SURE that after being bombarded with emails, phonecalls, and facebook messeages, that you are all aware that this Saturday (i.e. tomorrow) December 2nd, CDM is hosting its first annual mid-year Ledadership Summit at Boston College. For specific info, check out the event on our website at

I hope that you'll attend with your e-boards, chapter members, community members, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors and anyone else who would like to come. Please come say hello tomorrow, if I haven't met you already, and I hope you enjoy seeing my alma mater!!

Yours Bluely,
Lissa Roberts
CDM Communications Director

Welcome to the CDM Blog!

Hello College Democrats of Massachusetts!

Each of us, as active members of the Democratic Party have concerns about different issues. It's our hope that this blog will be a forum for those issues that most concern each of us, as well as a constant reference for the E-Board. Do you think a program would work well on a state level? Tell us! Do you need help with an issue based campaign on your campus? Tell us! Do you have an idea for how we can better serve as a resource to you? Tell us!

We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

The CDM E-Board