Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bayh - Presidential Caucuses

Evan Bayh, the Senator from Indiana, has apparently just pulled out from the presidential race. It's a shame too, he was my preliminary choice for POTUS.

This is as good a reason as any to remind chapters:
a) They should not endorse any candidate until he/she wins the Democratic primary.
b) Chapters should form candidate groups within their own groups. Groups like Clark University Students for Kendra Salvador or College of the Holy Cross students for Tom Vilsack should meet directly after a chapter meetings. This keeps people coming to meetings and informed about all of the candidates. I know from personal experience in 2004, that there can be some discontent among people who think their chapter is biased for one candidate or another.
This is a good way to keep people happy.
David Glick
Clark University '07
Central MA Liason

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