Saturday, December 2, 2006

Leadership Summit an Incredible Success!!

Well boys and girls,

I just wanted to be the first to say how much I enjoyed seeing/meeting/speaking with all of you today at the Summit! I know I speak for the entire E-Board when I say that this meeting far exceeded our expectations. I know it's difficult to give up a Saturday, so a HUGE thanks goes out to all of you who made the trip to BC and engaged in the most productive general assembly that CDM has ever had. A post-summit resource package, as well as info about the monthly general membership conference call and the other issues we discussed over the course of the day will be posted on the CDM website within a week.

On a lighter note, the inimitable David Glick, our Central Mass Liason, has created a CDM Fantasy Congress League. To sign up, go to and join the Massachusetts College Democrats league. I don't know about all of you, but I think my draft picks are pretty stellar (My Upper Senators can beat up your Upper Senators)... Let the smack talk begin :)

Yours Bluely,

Lissa Roberts
Comm Director


Matthew Zagaja said...

Anyone else having problems registering for the fantasy congress thing? I get a "JAVALANG EXCEPTION"

D.G. said...

Hey Matt, sorry.. I sent out a whole batch of invitations and then had to delete the league because it was password protected and the invitations did not say the password. Also, how do I get posting rights on the blog?


Missyinboston said...

Hey guys-

I just sent the E-Board an invitation to be authors of the blog. If you'd like to be able to write posts as well, please email me at with your email address and your name and school , and I'll make you an author.

Matthew Zagaja said...


I don't think it's because of the league deletion, this is when I try and get an account on the site before you try and get in a league.

legkyle said...

Hey All,
The Summit at B.C. was awesome!! If you did not get the opportunity to attend the conference please check in with your regional liaisons! I also would like to extend a big thank you out to all of those who came out on such a hectic weekend! It was really great to meet all of you, and I look forward to the opportunity too meet everyone who couldn't make it!

Kyle Schulberg
CDM Legislative Director
South Shore Liaison