Tuesday, September 11, 2007

South Shore Kickoff!!

Hey Guys,

The South Shore Kickoff is going to be Saturday September 15 2-4 pm at Walloston Beach in Quincy,MA

Food, Beach Games, and a guest speaker from the NH State Party

Not to mention a great way to make new friends!!

Looking forward to seeing all of you

Ray Bennett
UMD College Democrats
South Shore Director

1 comment:

Rick Linet said...

If it wasn't for this American Hero, you would be in Iraq right now.

"It is only with the fullest possible understanding of the facts and of the background of any policy decision that the American people can be expected to play the role required of them in this democracy." Editorial of July 1, 1971 in the NY Times. Topic -- the public's right to know about the true story in the prosecution of the Vietnam War.

A key figure in bringing truth to the American public during the Vietnam era was Mike Gravel. Senator Gravel has come out of retirement and is running for President of the United States in 2008 because, like many of us, he is fed up with "politics as usual."
Mike's disgusted with Congress for failing to force an immediate end to the war in Iraq -- that's why: Gravel's crafted a law that would force the Bush Administration to withdraw all or our troops from Iraq, or be subject to a felony prosecution;

He's disgusted with a federal tax system that is inherently unfair and virtually incomprehensible -- that's why: Gravel supports abolishing the federal income tax and replacing it with a progressive Fair Tax ; and

He's convinced that the way to end the gridlock at the federal level is more democracy -- that's why he's crafted the National Initiative for Democracy -- a mechanism that empowers the PEOPLE as lawmakers --- not corporate lobbyists!!!

Senator Gravel is the ONLY candidate with a proven record of taking on the establishment to effect fundamental AND principled change. In fact, this is the hallmark of his career.
When Mike Gravel was in the U.S. Senate he carried on a successful one-man filibuster that ended the draft.

And, as mentioned earlier, Mike believed the American people had the right to know the truth behind our country's involvement in the Vietnam War. Thus, he risked his career by being the only member of Congress willing to take the Pentagon Papers from a Defense Department contractor (Daniel Ellsberg) and then release them to the public. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Senator Gravel had the right to release these important papers so the people could be informed of the truth behind that ugly episode.
The fact that there is not a mandatory military draft now is due to Mike Gravel's efforts. In 2002, Mike publicly opposed the Iraq invasion.

There is no question, that (unlike several "top-tiered" candidates for the presidency), when conflicting information was presented in secret Senate sessions about WMD, Mike would have led a public outcry.

Mike Gravel's a maverick on a mission. He is not the darling of mainstream media because he has not raised an obscene amount of money from special interests. Instead, he's created a coalition of:

young people opposed to American imperialism who believe in the free flow of information through You Tube, Facebook, My Space;

citizens who support equal rights for all Americans regardless of sexual orientation ;

people who believe that we need to stop the insidious relationship between the military-industrial complex and the federal government; and

those who believe that a one-term Gravel Administration will re-establish the people's power as the senior partner in a true democracy.

It might strike some as unconventional that after being out of public office for more than 25 years Senator Gravel would come out of retirement to take on such an arduous task. However, the essence of leadership is pursuing a course that must be taken regardless of the odds. Mike Gravel is a breath of fresh air to a country that has been suffocating for too long.

If you are open to supporting a person who will not equivocate and who will reshape the paradigm of government, then please take a long look at Gravel's record and his platform. He's got a backbone, not a bloated campaign war chest (and no, I am not a fundraising bundlers!!).

I ask you to join 1000's of people who want to see Gravel Rock the Boat for America. In the meantime, please help Mike get on the ballot in all 50 states by going to http://www.actblue.com/page/mikegravel4prez and making a contribution.

Please reply and let me know if there are any meetings or other ways to help organize Gravel Supporters.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. For more information, log onto www.gravel2008.us See his Youtube, Facebook, Myspace pages for videos.

Yours truly,
Rick Linet
Massachusetts Coordinator
Gravel 2008