Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Global Warming - How Many More Signs Do We Need?

There was a report today in the Metro (Boston Edition) that says the oil companies are funding research to counter the widely believed theory of Global Warming. It is great to see that Al Gore is standing up against the oil companies and fighting back. I think we can assumer that there is little doubt in most policy makers minds that global warming exists and yet the oil companies still want to ensure that there profits are protected.

My counter argument comes from today's weather. In NEW YORK CITY, downtown NEW YORK CITY, including Manhattan and JFK International Airport, there was a TORNADO WARNING. A TORNADO WARNING In downtown Manhattan and La Guardia International Airport. If that is not global warming, I don't know what is? When are we going to get the idea that Mother Nature has a way of making things right?

I would like to see the oil companies contradict that and Hurricane Katrina and the increased intensities in hurricanes, massive droughts, extreme monsoons, wildfires and everything else that encompasses global warming. If the oil companies win then I guess we better get used to the heat, and Tornado's in downtown New York City.

The national weather service has confirmed that a Tornado did touch down in Brooklyn, up to 3 times! Now there is proof!

1 comment:

Matthew Zagaja said...

I think it will probably take more and more catastrophic events. Then people will wake-up. Otherwise its just an abstract concept to most people.