Tuesday, September 11, 2007

South Shore Kickoff!!

Hey Guys,

The South Shore Kickoff is going to be Saturday September 15 2-4 pm at Walloston Beach in Quincy,MA

Food, Beach Games, and a guest speaker from the NH State Party

Not to mention a great way to make new friends!!

Looking forward to seeing all of you

Ray Bennett
UMD College Democrats
South Shore Director

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Global Warming - How Many More Signs Do We Need?

There was a report today in the Metro (Boston Edition) that says the oil companies are funding research to counter the widely believed theory of Global Warming. It is great to see that Al Gore is standing up against the oil companies and fighting back. I think we can assumer that there is little doubt in most policy makers minds that global warming exists and yet the oil companies still want to ensure that there profits are protected.

My counter argument comes from today's weather. In NEW YORK CITY, downtown NEW YORK CITY, including Manhattan and JFK International Airport, there was a TORNADO WARNING. A TORNADO WARNING In downtown Manhattan and La Guardia International Airport. If that is not global warming, I don't know what is? When are we going to get the idea that Mother Nature has a way of making things right?

I would like to see the oil companies contradict that and Hurricane Katrina and the increased intensities in hurricanes, massive droughts, extreme monsoons, wildfires and everything else that encompasses global warming. If the oil companies win then I guess we better get used to the heat, and Tornado's in downtown New York City.

The national weather service has confirmed that a Tornado did touch down in Brooklyn, up to 3 times! http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/08/nyc.weather/index.html Now there is proof!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Boston Phone Bank for Niki Tsongas!

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is having a great summer.
This summer, I have been interning with the Niki Tsongas Campaign. Niki is running for the 5th Congressional District which was recently vacated by Marty Meehan. The Primary is on September 4 th, only a few weeks away.

I strongly support and believe in Niki's candidacy for many reasons. Her commitment to end the War in Iraq, to making affordable healthcare available for all Americans and her experience in higher education as the Dean of External Affairs at Middlesex Community College- the largest community college in the Commonwealth, are just a few. In addition, when Niki is elected she will be the first female Member of Congress representing Massachusetts in 25 years. I encourage you to visit her website at nikitsongas.com or call me directly if I can provide you with any information about her background and/or policy positions.

I am writing to ask you to join us at our Boston phone bank on Tuesday nights. There are only 3 Tuesdays left before the Primary!

Niki Tsongas Boston Phone Bank
Tuesdays 6-8:30pm
O'Neill Associates
31 New Chardon Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Please email me and let me know if you will join me on Tuesday. Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you forward this email to at least 5 people in your address book today.

I hope you join me in working towards electing Niki Tsongas to Congress

My Best,
Ray Bennett

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Confirming what we knew all along...

This great viral video, "Huffington Post: Max Blumenthal: Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans" investigates a fascinating disconnect in the ideology and actions of many College Republicans. It asks attendees of the National College Republicans Convention, some of the most staunch supporters of the war in Iraq, "If you support this war so strongly, why don't you enlist?"

Friday, June 22, 2007

Bill Clinton Single Handedly Revives Smashmouth's Career


Well done Sopranos spoof. Check the home page for the cliff hanger result.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Obama Girl.

There are many things I could say about this but I will just let everyone watch.


Obama Girl Dot Com

There are some gems in the lyrics.


Hey all. So I'm sure many of you know there is a special election for Marty Meehan's seat in the MA-05. I am working for one of the candidates, Jamie Eldridge, on his communications staff so I do not want to go on too long about this because I will start talking Jamie up. I just wanted to let people know it is going on and I would love to start a dialog about it. So leave some comments or what have you and we can start to talk, or shoot me an email tom@jamieforcongress.com if you want to know more about Jamie's campaign.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

From Hotlineblog:

I figured that everyone would like to see where our ex-Governor has set up shop in Iowa.

Mitt's Iowa HQ.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Meehan to become chancellor of UMass Lowell

So it looks like Congressman Meehan is leaving Congress to become the chancellor of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. His nomination still needs to be approved by UMass' board of trustees but all signs point to that happening. So what does everyone think of this decision, and who do you think/want to win the seat in the special election? This list is of people that have already said they are running and is from boston.com.

Niki Tsongas, wife of the late US senator Paul Tsongas; state Representative Barry R. Finegold of Andover; Eileen Donoghue, the former Lowell mayor and current city councilor; state Representative James B. Eldridge of Acton; and Stephen Kerrigan, a former aide to Senator Edward M. Kennedy and to Attorney General Thomas Reilly

Michael Sullivan, mayor of Lawrence; Charles McCarthy, Meehan's 2002 challenger; and Donna Cuomo, a former state representative from North Andover.


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Power Rankings

The National Journal has set up a ranking system [similar to espn's power rankings] for the candidates. This gives a short description of why they are in the ranking they are in, if they have moved up or down and fundraising projections for each candidate. These, just like sports power rankings are updated weekly - here are the links




Thursday, February 22, 2007

Racism 101

The College Republicans at NYU have created a "fun" game to attract interest to their club. They are putting on a "game" today on their campus called find the Illegal Immigrant. The organizers have been upset they are being called racists and said if anyone that opposes them wants an “intelligent debate" they can talk to them at their rally. When you are asking narrow minded rich college students to run around and find the "illegal immigrant" what do you expect, minority groups speaking out about how great your organization is? NYU college republicans knew what they were doing, they knew this would not facilitate an intelligent debate about anything - it was a ploy to get on TV (see bottom). I hope you guys don't spend too much of your dad's money on the snacks.
"Find the Illegal Immigrant"

There will be one individual with a nametag that reads 'illegal immigrant'. This person has volunteered to do so and is not actually an illegal immigrant. On Thursday people will be signing up to be 'INS' and the
first person that signed up and finds the "illegal" will get a prize. At the table there will be information and handouts on the subject matter to inform others on the problems that ILLEGAL immigration causes.

Name: Find the Illegal Immigrant
Host: NYU College Republicans
Type: Causes - Rally
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2007
Time: 11:00am - 2:00pm
Location: South side of Silver

Statement put out by the college republicans about event:

we, as CR’s, are free to hold politically incorrect events while at the same time making a point. Not all things politics need to be serious.

What is serious, is how quickly we’ve been able to garner so much attention and controversy, and so mission accomplished. Thanks guys.

(This message will probably piss you crazy wall-posters off more, which I do find funny)

We have more wall posts than people definitely attending this event. The people with no lives giving life-story testimonials to this event wall as if we, the real CR’s, actually give a shit what these people think should consider that we’re doing this regardless, but we appreciate how pissed off you guys get at a joke with which you dont agree.

btw, just another example how small minded people fear other people’s ideas and try to stifle it by attempting to cover it up/silence with their own rhetoric.

-Rick (The Captain)

Friday, February 9, 2007

I think the biggest problem that student groups face, is coming up with creative activities to host. So, I thought I will share with you my favorite activities that the Democrats of Clark University have come up wit. Maybe my colleagues from other chapters can do the same?

1. The Bill Clinton Scrabble Tournament - Politics can be a bit too much at times, which is why we have had an annual Scrabble Tournament named after our favorite orator. It's a fun, easy and succesful event which is now in its third year running.

2. Bringing Politicians Door to Door - In the past, State Senators and even a U.S. Congressman has joined us in our get out the vote efforts on campus. It is great, because college students are more likely to be up later then the general population. Contact your local congressman, state senator, State Rep, City Councilor, etc... and let them know about bringing them to campus.

I wanted to post more.. however, I have a meeting in a few minutes. Another time!

Friday, January 12, 2007

[Monthly] Regional Meeting

Hello everyone, I hope you had a great break and are ready to get going on this semester. I wanted to remind everyone (at least from the eastern MA region) that we will be getting back into having monthly meetings. If you came to any of the meetings last semester you know the drill, but hopefully this semester will be joined by more chapters. At this meeting we will be discussing our plans for the up-coming semester and what we should be adding to our plans. This is something that I would like to do every month to keep the chapters informed - it worked well last semester. As of now we do not have a date for the February meeting, but we will let everyone know as soon as we do.

I hope to see everyone in February,

Tom Mills
Eastern MA Liaison